

Residential & Commercial Services

Asphalt Paving

One of the key aspects about our asphalt paving services is our commitment to using high-quality materials that enhance the longevity and appearance of paved surfaces. We source our asphalt from reputable suppliers who adhere to stringent quality control measures. This ensures that the asphalt we use is not only durable but also resilient to weather conditions and heavy traffic.

Parking Lot Striping

Parking Lot Striping, also known as Traffic Markings, provides organized traffic flow and clearly marked parking stalls and areas for vehicles to park. An effective parking striping layout consists of bright, durable line striping for stalls, arrows for entrances and exits, arrows for directional flow on parking lots, handicap parking spaces, clearly marked fire lane areas and more.

Asphalt Seal Coating

Does your asphalt road, parking lot, or driveway need a facelift? If it looks old and worn, but hasn’t yet got large cracks or significant damage, now’s the time to consider sealing it. Sealing, when practical, saves money in the long run since you won’t have to repair or repave as frequently.

Whether you call it seal coat, blacktop, slurry seal, or pavement sealer — asphalt seal coating is a wonderful way to preserve the utility and life expectancy of your asphalt investment. We use a high quality seal coat emulsion mixture. We squeegee apply seal coat to existing asphalt surfaces to protect and prolong the integrity of the surface.

Applying it with a squeegee allows us to put down a very thick coat of sealer that will help protect your asphalt from the elements, high traffic, oil leaks, etc. Seal coating is a very cost effective way to enhance the appearance of your property giving it a new, fresh look.

Hot and Cold Pour Crack Filler

It is extremely important to address the cracks in your asphalt as soon as you see them. Cracks allow water to get down in the asphalt and underneath the asphalt. Left untreated, these cracks and water will cause significant deterioration of your asphalt. Davis Contracting Group can fill these cracks with either hot crack fill or cold pour crack fill.

Hot Crack fill is a method of filling cracks wider than ¼” used on streets and industrial surfaces. It is not recommended for residential areas simply because the finished product is not very aesthetically pleasing.

Cold pour crack fill is applied to cracks ¼” or less and is typically done prior to seal coating. This method is recommended for homeowner associations (HOA’s), home driveways, apartments complexes, etc.

Commercial & Residential Asphalt Patching

Getting your asphalt patched is important in ensuring the safety of those on your road, as well as its longevity and drive-ability. Affordable and highly-effective, proper asphalt patching fixes the worst damages in your pavement without making you repair your entire pavement. We also offer honest consultations for home owners associations and businesses across Sacramento, and will never try to sell you a service you don’t need. Get the best for your asphalt, at a price you’ll love. Contact Davis Contracting Group for asphalt services today!


During Construction

If you begin to notice damage, holes, or cracks that look like reptile skin on your asphalt, it may be time to get it patched. At Davis Contracting Group, our team offers expert consultation and patch services designed to bring your asphalt back to safe, smooth, working order. We work according to industry safety standards and the stipulations of our clients — we’ll never sell you a service you don’t need. Remember, your asphalt may need patching if you notice the following damages:

• Potholes
• Depressed areas
• Cracks look like alligator skin


After Construction

If done properly, with an experienced paving team and high-quality materials, patching can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars and extend the life of your asphalt for several years. Below, our trusted experts at Davis Contracting Group have compiled a few reasons outlining the advantages of professional patching.

• Patching is able to repair only the failed asphalt
• Patching will allow you to avoid costlier repairs associated with all-new asphalt
• Most patch work can be completed quickly

Asphalt Removal & Replacement

If you have asphalt that is broken and coming apart, an asphalt “remove and replace” can help restore your parking lot to a strong, high quality surface.

Asphalt Remove & Replace is also known as R&R. This is a very comprehensive way to deal with your failing asphalt. Davis Contracting Group will remove the cracked and deteriorated asphalt and replace it with new hot asphalt.

Talk to an Asphalt Paving Specialist Now! (720) 635-2938


  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Seal Coating
  • Parking Lot Striping
  • Asphalt Maintenance
  • Concrete Grinding
  • Asphalt Paving
  • Driveway Paving
  • Asphalt Repairs
  • Custom Paving
  • RED Curb Painting
  • Slurry Seal
  • Sidewalk Repairs
  • Pavement Resurfacing
  • Pot Hole Repair
  • ADA Upgrades
  • Speed Bumps
  • Trip Hazard Grinding
  • Hot Rubber Crack Fill
  • Concrete Wheel Stops

Contact Us

Are you looking for Residential, Commercial or Industrial Asphalt Services? Feel free to give us a call, email us or fill out the contact form. Get a FREE ESTIMATE today! We are here to answer any of your questions.

(720) 635-2938


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